Finally Speak with Confidence

So, are you ready to conquer your fear of public speaking today?

Or do you think you are ok sometimes but you just need more confidence to improve your articulation and be a bit more persuasive when you talk.

I find that speaking with confidence is a skill that is crucial for people working in the fast-paced, online, modern world. It is not taught at school about how to be a confident communicator like how Maths, English and science has priority I find. But no worry, as Leighanne your Speaking Confidence Coach is here to help.

Why can’t I get my point across clearly and confidently?

Do you love reading and diving into a good book to help you learn how to improve the way you speak?

Well, you are in the right place, click below to find my ebooks on how to be that confident and powerful speaker in any situation no matter what life throws at you.



What if I told you there’s ONE thing, just ONE thing, that can help you to change your current situation?”

“Imagine this… what if you were able to suddenly turn your dreams into reality?

What if you suddenly became the ‘YOU’ you’ve always wanted to be? What if you were able to speak confidently?

Not be nervous when you talk, keep your listeners engaged and live the most extraordinary life you ever imagined?



If you prefer to listen while you learn then I got the perfect learning tool for you. Listen to my calming, soft vocal tones help share gems and tips on how to finally speak confidently in any situation. Sounds good right?

Then click the picture below.  


If you want to learn how to improve your speaking by using great pdf tips and hints then you are in the right place. You can download them and keep them in a handy spot for that next presentation, exciting date or job interview you been banking on.

Do you want FREE Speaking Tips to help you talk with more confidence?

So you will learn how to be confident to speak in any environment. You'll know exactly what you should do & what your next steps should be, towards improving your speaking goals in my handy tips.

You will be able to develop your own speaking style, storytelling techniques & speaking methods to keep any audience engaged in what you say.

Join the  Speaking Tips 101 Workshop by completing the sign up form below.

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